What We do

For almost two decades, Consumer Direct Care Network Arizona (CDAZ) has specialized in home care for Arizonans who qualify for the Arizona Medicaid Personal Care Services Program.

You are a valued member of your community, and we help you stay involved. If you are a Medicaid Recipient who needs assistance to stay healthy in your home, we are here to help.

You Have Program and Control Options

CDAZ’s programs provide a variety of personal assistance services that offer participants a range of responsibility levels.

Personal Care Assistance Services give you more choice and control over your care:

  • Self-Directed Attendant Care (SDAC) Services allow you, or your legal guardian, to recruit, select and train your caregivers who will provide activities of daily living such as dressing, medication reminders, light housekeeping, and hygiene. We support your independence by managing employment-related tasks. 
  • Agency With Choice is a co-employment option where participants, as the managing employer, are in control of who provides care and services. In this option you, the participant, hire, schedule, supervise, and dismiss your caregivers, while CDAZ, as the employer of record, is responsible for all employment and payroll-related tasks.
  • Traditional Agency Based Services are an option for you, or your loved one, if you want CDAZ to find a caregiver for you. We hire, train, schedule, and supervise your caregivers, in addition to being responsible for all employment and payroll-related tasks.

Caregiver Training Services provide our prospective and current employees with the tools they need to build confidence as they learn proper caregiver skills. We focus on the success of our people and work to make the training requirements as simple as possible.

We are Here to Assist You

Who We Serve

CDAZ’s programs are designed to assist and support you with non-medical, caregiver assistance so you can remain in the comfort and security of your home and community.

If you or a loved one is an individual with a disability, chronically ill, or simply wants to age at home, our knowledgeable and caring staff will work with you to find the appropriate services and supports you need so you can remain safe, healthy, and independent in your home and community.

Our programs support your evolving needs.

Where We Work

We provide a broad spectrum of in-home care services statewide, with offices in Casa Grande, Kingman, Mesa, Peoria, Prescott Valley, Sierra Vista, Tucson, and Yuma.

Our community-based offices are staffed with local and caring personnel ready to provide superior customer service to help you succeed in self-directing your own care.

Review our Locations Page to find an office near you. 

How We Serve

At CDAZ we understand you are the expert when it comes to the care you need, and we are here to support your choices. You’ve spent a lifetime making your own decisions. Your in-home care should be no different.

We Support Your Independence

– Stay in your home and community
– Choose your own caregivers, or have an Agency develop your care schedule
– Independence – YOU are in control

Our job is to help make your home care journey easy.